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I'm twenty and in college studying Accounting and, minoring in Family Studies.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Managing Family Crisis Together

One of the most wonderful truths that I have come to learn and that I appreciate so much is that no pain that we suffer, no trial that we endure is wasted. As a family is faced with a crisis, it does not matter what kind, it may be a child gone astray (wayward); addicted to alcohol or drugs of some sort; bad behavior or homosexuality; it is important that the family understand the limitations of their family members, that is as much as they want to help their other family member, they cannot force him or her into the right way, they can be there and help them, pray for them and hope that someday they will return to the light.

So often when one we one is in trouble we tend to want to give solutions but we cannot give solutions to all life's problems, but we can listen and together with them we can search for answers; which are always to be found in Christ. There is power and strength in scriptures, especially when dealing with a crisis in the family. It is important to remember that when Heavenly Father forgives, He forgives; and true repentance will bring true forgiveness. In facing and dealing with family crisis, we need to face each new day with bravity, knowing that we can do hard things, we will do hard things and we must do hard things but WE DO NOT HAVE TO DO THEM ALONE!!

It is also important to know and understand of the Saviors' love. When a family member is having a hard time or going through a hard time, it is important that we do not judge them but assure them of our love and appreciation for them. It is also important to let them know that we are sorry they are having to go through that difficulty; and to cry with them.

There are some three ways of dealing with crisis that have proven to be helpful, but again families are different and ways of dealing with such issues tend to be different. It is important that a family aviates from the issues. It is important to move on, to continue on. Stay calm and maintain order on chaos, and fear will be replaced with faith....remember fear and faith cannot co-exist. Second it is important to navigate. Make sure you're going in the right way. Know that you'll need revelation from a loving Heavenly Father. And thirdly, it is important that a family communicates. One will not be able to receive or accept help unless they are willing to share what their problem is. in the end, everyone is going to have to share with each other their stories. REFRAIN FROM PASSING JUDGEMENT!!!
    (I attribute most of this to Jana, who actually dealt with a lot of crisis in her family)

Now consider the words from this poem....

If I Could......

If I could give solutions to all
Life's problems, doubts or fears
I would, but I can listen to you,
And together we'll search for answers.

If I could change your past, with all it's
Heartache and pain; or the future with
It's untold stories, I would but I can
Be there for you now when you need me to care

If I could keep your feet from
Stumbling.....I would, but I can
Only offer my hand, that you
May grasp it and not fall.

If i could help make decisions in your life
Or even judge you...I would
But I can only support you, encourage you
And help you when you ask.

If I could prevent you from falling
From family, from truth, from values
From me, I would but I can  pray for
You, talk to you and wait for you.

If I could give you boundaries which I
Have determined for you, I would
But I can give you room to change,
Room to grow, room to be the very
Best you were created to be.

If I could keep your heart from
Breaking or hurting I would,
But I can only cry with you, and
Help you pick up the pieces
And put them back in place.

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